Saturday, June 5, 2010

I think I'm drooling...

So, I was looking at the new releases at ScrapMatters today (Being on the CT, I'm lucky enough to get sneak peeks at much of what's new, and the rest...well, I glanced at them yesterday, but was dog tired after a day at the children's museum with about a billion kids 6 and under), so when I was looking today, I saw Amber's (Stolen Moments) new blog wear...

...and I just kept thinking...hmmmm...I REALLY want some new blogwear. This (that I currently have) is cute...but I want something new...and I'd love to have something ScrapMatters, because, well, that's home to me.

and then....I saw it! Amber is doing CUSTOM blogwear! Holy cats! AND installing it! Even freaking better!!!! I am such an idiot when it comes to all of this! So to get to pick the Stolen Moments kit I want, AND have it installed for me? Dude. I would be in heaven.

wow. so, yeah. I'm doing some drooling, some browsing in Amber's AMAZING store, and some thinking about how exactly to afford this...

oh, and I guess I'll mention that I'm trying NOT to afford it, because Amber's running a contest, and the winner (who blogs about her blogwear) will WIN it. I didn't wanna tell you all, because...well...I wanna win!!!! And even if I don't, I'm sure gonna find myself a way to get some custom blogwear from Amber sooner than later! Find out about the contest here.

sigh. congrats to whomever wins! That'll be one lucky blog!!!


Amber said...

Haha, Becca - you're such a funny lady.. :) Thanks for the post.. :D